When you have pets, you have a responsibility to take care of them. That means doing everything in your power to keep them safe and happy. You never know when an emergency will happen, so it’s important to be ready for any situation. There are different situations that might qualify as an emergency, so we’ll go over a few of them below with a checklist for each.

Natural Disaster or Evacuation

From bad storms to bushfires, a range of natural disasters can affect your pet in the Sydney area. Here is the disaster kit that you should have on hand:

• Enough bottled water and pet food for at least five days: It’s also a good idea to pack bowls and a manual can opener.
• Medication and medical records: If your pet takes any medication or has a medical record that you think you might need, store it somewhere waterproof.
• First aid kit: These are great in any emergency.
• Leashes and carriers: Make sure to keep your pets with you during any chaotic or stressful situations. A sturdy leash, harness or carrier to transport your pets will be invaluable here.
• Written information about your pet: Feeding schedules, medical conditions, behavioural issues and the name and number of your veterinarian are all important. This will also be useful if you need to board your pets.

Missing Pets

Take the time prior to any potential emergencies to make sure that you:

• Have an updated name tag securely fastened on your pet’s collar.
• Have a current photo of your pet, and perhaps one of you with the pet, for identification purposes.
• Consider microchipping – if your pet is found, scanning their microchip is an effective and effective way of returning them to you.

Emergency Vet Care in Sydney

When there is a medical emergency, make sure you have the name and address of a reliable and capable emergency vet in Sydney. Northside Emergency Veterinary Service offers after hours care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our facilities are available to help your pet through any medical emergency, from an Intensive Care Unit to Pathology.

Contact an After Hours Clinic

Make sure that you also know of a 24-hour vet that will be reliable and there for you in an emergency. Northside Emergency Veterinary Service acts as an after-hours veterinary service. We’re here for you on the weekend and during public holidays. If you’re experiencing an animal emergency on any day of the year, visit our 24-hour pet emergency clinic in Sydney.

CTA: Do you need help during a pet emergency? Contact us today to speak with one of our dedicated staff. Call us for help now on (02) 9452 2933.